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Meet your Human Design Reader & Mentor, Annette.

Annette has been studying and applying human design in her life for over five years. She was introduced to this system through studying astrology but yearned for application tools of the knowledge. Her life has gone through massive paradigm shifts since she have been dedicated to living out her design authentically. She serves as a pioneer and voice for intuitive living, playful experimentation and radical trust in our individual guidance.


“Wherever energy or money is kept in a liquid state and allowed to flow between people and organizations, prosperity is created.”

Richard Rudd, Gene Keys



Human Design is the science of differentiation that explains an individual’s unique gifts, patterns and ways to interact with the world. Combining Astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and Chakras, this knowledge can be utilized to transform your every day life, career, relationships and overall health into a state of flow. An introduction reading includes your aura type, strategy, authority, profile, purpose in life, specific strengths and aspects of conditioning.

Join our Human Design community of epic humans in a deeper dive into the current transits and embodiment of this energy.


Have you ever wondered what sets certain people apart?

Why some people can naturally excel in certain situations while others struggle?

“We human beings doubt ourselves because we are not really ourselves in the first place.”

-Richard Rudd, Author of the Gene Keys
